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Entries Tagged as 'Productivity'

How To Print On Both Sides Of The Paper

January 16th, 2012 · No Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough Here’s something that seems like a very plain vanilla job search trick, but it’s pretty useful if you don’t know how to do it. When we print resumes on heavy resume paper for our clients, we will very often print on both sides of the paper. Thus, a 2-page resume can […]


Tags: Computers Work 4 U · Office Porn · Productivity · Workplace Gizmos

How To Make Sure Your Job Search Emails Get Read

January 17th, 2011 · No Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough A great article this weekend about how to make sure your email gets read. We’re inundated with email these days. A lot of it spam. How can you make sure your email gets read? This is especially important for job seekers. Especially if you’re sending in a job application, what can […]


Tags: Computers Work 4 U · Email/Spam Hacks · Job Search · Organization

The Job Search Is Your Job

November 10th, 2010 · 2 Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough This guest post is contributed by Kate Willson, who writes on the topics of top online colleges. She welcomes your comments at her email Id: The most important thing to keep in mind when you’re unemployed is this: until you have a hiring contract in hand, the job search is […]


Tags: Job Search · Organization

Making PowerPoint Better

July 31st, 2008 · No Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough Let’s face it. None of us are really fans of PowerPoint. The common complaint is that far from adding color and pizazz, PowerPoint hasn’t proven to make presentations any less boring or dull. In fact, many argue that the very reliance on rote slides and sequencing can make speeches and presentations […]


Tags: Computers Work 4 U · Productivity

Managing Work While On Vacation – Part 2

July 16th, 2008 · 1 Comment

Posted by Brian McCullough Recently, we discussed ways to prepare for/manage work during the vacation season. The website has another idea for helping you manage your tendency to veg out in front of your computer during holiday’s/weekends. Let’s face it, we’re all champion procrastinators. We sit down with work to do… but an hour […]


Tags: Organization · Productivity

Top 10 Checklist To Prepare For Your Vacation From Work

July 1st, 2008 · 4 Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough There’s been a lot of talk this year that the vacation season won’t be the same. You hear about families staying home rather than break the bank to pay for the gas necessary to drive to Wally World. Also, I’ve seen a couple of cable news stories about how vacations are […]


Tags: Organization · Working 4 The Weekend

When You’re Taking a Sick Day

June 5th, 2008 · No Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough First, take the sick day. Stay home. You don’t get any bonus points for being a martyr and trying to work through a cold. And you’re just going to get everyone else in the office sick, thereby destroying the productivity of your whole team. You know how much you hate it […]


Tags: Health · Productivity

Curbing Your Email Obsession On The Weekend

May 12th, 2008 · 1 Comment

Posted by Brian McCullough Here’s an appropriate post for a Monday. BusinessWeek has a short article about how some companies, in the name of worker and server sanity, are encouraging workers to hold off sending emails over the weekend. I think we can all relate to coming fresh into the office, only to be deluged […]


Tags: Email/Spam Hacks · Productivity

Where Have I Been?

May 3rd, 2008 · 1 Comment

Posted by Brian McCullough Man, was I busy last week! That’s why I grabbed the quick 4-day vacation last month when the opportunity came up. I knew this week was coming. Even though I’ve turned over the day to day operations at to professional management, in the end, I’m still the bossman, and occasionally […]


Tags: Productivity

Live Mesh Might Help Windows Not Suck

April 23rd, 2008 · No Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough I’m usually hard on Microsoft on this blog. But nerdy tech circles today are abuzz at the announcement of Live Mesh from Microsoft. Think of Live Mesh as one ring to sync them all, every device and every file… provided you use Windows. Apparently, this whole system is not quite ready […]


Tags: Computers Work 4 U · Productivity · Workplace Gizmos