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Who Am I?

* Update #1: Some posts from this blog are syndicated, re-purposed and published weekly in the Baltimore Sun’s supplemental employment inserts.

TheJobBored is written by Brian McCullough, the founder and CEO of I’ve spent my entire professional life helping people find work. For the last eleven years, I’ve been proud to build into the premiere resume writing company in the world. We’ve helped tens of thousands of people find new, better jobs. In my capacity as head writer and career counselor, I’ve personally helped thousands of job seekers find success and satisfaction in their career paths. I’ve worked with people in almost every industry and seen almost every scenario imaginable in the career rat race. I’m still in charge of, but I’m stepping down from day-to-day operations there, and this blog represents the first of (hopefully) many new initiatives in my continuing life-long quest: to help people get ahead (and get happy) at work.

This Blog

I imagine you, dear reader, as being at work right now. Maybe you’re bored. Maybe you’re procrastinating. Maybe you’re “trying to look busy” while willing the hands of the clock to move faster so you can go to lunch/home at 5 o’clock. Heck, you might even be doing legitimate work and somehow, through no fault of your own, you found yourself here. But one thing I do know is that you’ve found your way here, and you’re staring at this computer screen wondering what this blog is about.My goals are simple. I want to help you:

  • Get ahead in your career.
  • Get along better at your current job.
  • Find a newer, better job.
  • Get a raise/get a promotion.
  • Be more efficient at whatever job you end up doing.
  • Find better ways to do things/make more money.
  • Hate your boss.
  • Learn to stop worrying and love your boss.
  • Stave off boredom.
  • Procrastinate.
  • Waste time.
  • Maintain your sanity.
  • Keep from strangling someone before the end of the day.

This blog is about all of the above – and more – and not necessarily in that order.