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Entries Tagged as 'Job Search'

LinkedIn Announces A Whole New Design Refresh

July 16th, 2012 · No Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough More LinkedIn news. They’ve announced today they’re completely reformatting the design of their homepage. People always freak out when Facebook does this sort of thing. Somehow I doubt LinkedIn will generate any sort of the same kind of uproar. Especially because this redesign actually looks MUCH improved. For my first impressions, […]


Tags: Job Sites · LinkedIn

My Thoughts On What Job Seekers Can Learn From The Forbes LinkedIn Cover Story

July 5th, 2012 · No Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough This week, Forbes magazine had a big cover story on LinkedIn. Over at the blog, I have a 2000 word piece on the article. I break down why LinkedIn has come to dominate the online job search space, and, more importantly, I have 5 great points that job seekers can […]


Tags: LinkedIn

2 Big Reasons Why Job Seekers Should Stop Worrying And Learn To Love Facebook

June 18th, 2012 · 1 Comment

Posted by Brian McCullough For years now, job search “experts” like myself have been telling you that Facebook could be harmful to your job search. But I read two new posts today that are making me think that sort of advice is becoming outdated. First, over at the Blog, they have the suggestion that […]


Tags: Getting Ahead · Job Search

The Top 5 Reasons Why Job Seekers Shouldn’t Forget About Craigslist

June 7th, 2012 · No Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough As I said, I’m guest blogging all week over at to help them with their resume writing blog relaunch. I’ve got another post up there today asking the question: why do jobseekers overlook Craigslist? Because it’s ugly. Boring. Sooo… 2004? Seriously, I think Craigslist is still one of the best […]


Tags: Craigslist · Job Sites

What Job Seekers Can Learn From Online Dating Mistakes

June 6th, 2012 · No Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough Over at the newly relaunched blog, I have a guest post about online dating, and what you as a job seeker can learn about not turning off a prospective employer. Basically, a female friend of mine joined an online dating site and got inundated by messages from guys. How she […]


Tags: Job Search · Job Sites

The Only Place The Job Growth Is Happening: Healthcare

June 1st, 2012 · 1 Comment

Posted by Brian McCullough Maybe you saw the headlines this morning. The latest jobs number was pretty terrible. Only 69,000 new jobs were created in May. That doesn’t even keep up with population growth. Even worse, previous months numbers were revised downward. Basically, the job market is stuck in the mud again. So where ARE […]


Tags: Where The Jobs Are

An Insanely Good Power User’s LinkedIn Strategy

May 10th, 2012 · No Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough Speaking of LinkedIn, I stumbled across this the other day: How I Got 13 Interviews in 10 Weeks (Without Submitting a Single Application) In short, you keep hearing how LinkedIn is THE modern tool to use to find a job via networking, right? But maybe you’ve wondered exactly how you’re supposed […]


Tags: LinkedIn

The New LinkedIn iPad App Is Fantastic

April 26th, 2012 · No Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough Quick post because I’m busy. But the new LinkedIn iPad app is absolutely fantastic. In the iTunes app store here.


Tags: LinkedIn

Advanced LinkedIn Job Search Strategies

February 13th, 2012 · 3 Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough Many professionals understand the importance of LinkedIn in your job search and how to start pursuing job opportunities using this professional networking platform. Once you have these basics under your belt, you are ready to move forward to more advanced LinkedIn job search strategies listed below. Note: Even if you are not […]


Tags: LinkedIn

Is There A “Best” Time To Answer A Job Ad? Some Statistical Data…

January 4th, 2012 · 1 Comment

Posted by Brian McCullough For years people have asked me if there’s a “best” time to respond to a job ad? Should you watch the job boards like a hawk, obsessively refreshing so that you can get your resume in first? Or is there some other window of time when, statistically speaking, your resume is […]


Tags: Job Applications · Job Search · Job Sites