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What To Do When There’s No More Work To Do But You Can’t Go Home

February 8th, 2008 · 2 Comments

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Here’s a perfect post for a Friday afternoon.

  1. Stack items in cabinets so that they fall out on people when opened.
  2. Move specific items to specific places everyday. (I.e. move the boss’ favorite pen from his desk to the floor every day if asked about it blame it on ghosts.)
  3. See how many bathrooms you can visit in one day.
  4. Queue porno music to start when cleaning crew comes around the corner.
  5. Make blow darts out of the plastic tips of your shoelaces a straight pin and a Bic pen.
  6. Watch a DVD
  7. Listen to a CD
  8. Go around to all the offices and collect pictures of their families, re-arranging them so eveyone ends up with pictures of everyone else’s families.
  9. Explore the bathrooms/break rooms of other floors/departments/companies in your building.
  10. Make a pot of coffee just to see how long it takes to boil down to tar.
  11. Play games online.
  12. Read blogs.
  13. Go on a candy hunt
  14. Try to freeze things with canned air then try to smash them like the liquid metal terminator.
  15. Open the bottom ends of all the boxes of pens and pencils in the office supply closet.
  16. Digitally edit photos of monkeys to hold knives/swords
  17. Create a fictional background of said photos including names and upbringings of said monkeys.
  18. In a large company, there are parties in one department or another almost everyday, check the department fridges for leftover pizza/goodies.
  19. Create large scale fantastic delusions of grandeur.
  20. Hoard all of the good office supplies, gel pens ink cartridges for home, anything you can sell to someone in the office.
  21. Scavenger hunt; check the bulletin boards for lost items and see if you can find them.
  22. Try to make the longest paperclip chain, or largest rubber band ball.
  23. Put a bootable Linux CD in your boss’ drive and watch him freak out the next morning.
  24. Leave random voicemails for random people.
  25. Try to determine who would win in a fight: create imaginary fight brackets for your co-workers. Only one can be left standing.
  26. Pretend like you’re moving your car from the far end of the parking lot near the door so you can burn one.
  27. Come up with a plan for world domination.
  28. Shoot down your own plans for world domination.
  29. Try to find someplace where you can take a nap
  30. Listen to the game on the internet
  31. Stick a thumb tack into the eraser on a pencil stand it on your desk, attempt to shoot rubber bands off of the ceiling and down around the pencil.
  32. Start a stop watch, wheel yourself in your chair into the elevator down to the bottom, or top floor to a set location and wheel yourself back work on a better time.
  33. Super glue random objects together, use your imagination.
  34. Change the speed dial on other peoples phones.
  35. Call the helpdesk and ask stupid questions.
  36. Learn how to twirl your pen.
  37. Call the number on the back of your soda and ask them stupid questions. Ask them what they are wearing.
  38. Visit the websites of companies you’d never think would need or have a web presence. Like
  39. Balance your checkbook.
  40. Write a new constitution, with ridiculous amendments.
  41. Get a mini basketball hoop and shoot around.
  42. Shake up any soda in any company fridge.
  43. Write a ridiculously long list of things to do while bored at work and post it online.

The original inspiration for this list came from though I’ve added my own entries.

They don’t appear to be online anymore, but I did want to give them credit.

Related posts:

  1. 15 Weirdest Work Stories of 2007
  2. Watching TV At Work… The Quest Goes On
  3. How To Look Busy At Work
  4. More Ways To Browse The Web At Work (Without Getting Caught)
  5. Whistle While You Work- The Great New NPR Music Site

Tags: ... Or Hardly Working? · Time Wasters

  • Courtney gonna do some of this.

  • Rena

    Really awesome post. I’m glad that the people getting the jobs I can’t because I don’t have ‘necessary experience’ are working hard and efficiently.