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Great Tips For Phone Interviews

June 25th, 2012 · 3 Comments

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Over at the Blog, there are two great, great tips for phone interviews:

  1. Stand out from other candidates by proactively scheduling the phone interview yourself.
  2. Duh… try to get on a landline.

Read the whole thing:

2 Great Tips For Acing A Phone Interview | ResumeWriting Blog

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  5. Cell Phone Zen For Job Search Success
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Tags: Interviewing

  • edsiusa

    Yes to the landline! Nothing is worse than a bad cell phone connection on an interview. 

  • Maria

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Jack Shinoda

    Thank you for this post! I find it really helpful. I believe
    that in landing a job or in landing a personal interview, one has to make a
    good impression during the phone interview. But of course, this won’t happen
    unless your future employer calls you. Help your future employer by setting a
    schedule and reminding them about the phone interview that you should have.
    Again, thanks for the tip I really appreciate this post!