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Dead-End Job Search? Why Not Go Where The Jobs Are?

August 1st, 2008 · 2 Comments

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If you’ve been pounding the pavement locally for a while now and your job search has turned up nothing, I’ve got some simple advice for you:

Go where the jobs are.

No job market is equal. Even in a generally bad job market, there are places where they can’t seem to find enough people to fill their workforce.

I thought of that when I saw this quote in a blog today:

Iowa – you have a problem… You have a too many jobs and not enough qualified people to fill them. Right now, there’s a surplus of roughly 48,000 jobs; that number is expected to go to nearly 200,000 within six years.

So, the implication is, if you can’t get hired where you are, maybe you should consider giving Iowa a try. If the above information is true, they’re dying to hear from you.

Now, I can hear some of you saying, “But Brian, it’s expensive to move someplace… or even to attempt a long-distance job search. I can’t afford it.”

Or maybe you can’t afford not to…

Think of it this way: if you’re out of work and banging your head against the wall, you’re losing time and money. Let’s imagine there’s a place where you could get hired tomorrow. But that place is 3 states away. Every day you don’t consider the job in that other state is another day you’re not getting paid. It’s another day you’re out of work. Every day you don’t consider broadening your job search horizons you are costing yourself money.

To be honest, the internet has made the long distance job search more reasonable than ever. And yeah, you may have to shell out for a plane ticket for an interview (sometimes the employer might pay your way) and moving expenses (really eager employers will pay those too). But again, think of those costs as an investment.

If you are considering a long-distance job search, you can read my previous advice on the topic here.

Related posts:

  1. Job Search Hack- Organize Your Search Using The Rule Of Thirds
  2. Where The Jobs Aren’t- Retail Edition
  3. Indeed Offer’s Job Search By Salary
  4. Where The Jobs Are- Look Next Door
  5. Where The Jobs Are- US Maps Edition
  6. Kickstart – Social Networking For Jobs?

Tags: Job Search · Where The Jobs Are

  • Scott

    Even though I have “Willing to relocate” on my cover letter I receive no response. One response I DID receive was “Next time you are passing through …” like I would be passing though from one side of the country to the other! Then I see ads posted “locals only.”

    I am sure that there are some employers out there as you discribed but they are far few between!

  • Bilderburger

    Yeah, people have been telling everyone that over and over for decades. It’s not so easy to just “pack up” and go where the jobs are. Firstly there are moving, relocation expenses, and not to mention the money staying in hotels and communting to interview for these jobs in the first place. If you are on the east coast and looking for a job on the west coast this will be a MAJOR consideration.
    Also what about if you own a house where you currently live? What if your family has ties locally. An article written without much thought if you ask me.