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Entries Tagged as 'Career Change'

How to Change Jobs

December 11th, 2011 · 2 Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough Step 1 – Detach Yourself from your Current Job To move on and change jobs you need to detach yourself from your existing job. The more emotionally attached you are to your role, your environment and its traits the more difficult it is to move forward. This emotional baggage is like […]


Tags: Career Change

Seven Reasons You Might Need a Career Change

March 7th, 2011 · 1 Comment

Posted by Brian McCullough Are you feeling stuck?  Sometimes people don’t know why they are unhappy in a job, they just know that it doesn’t feel right. These seven factors each contribute to how you feel about your work, and once you recognise the problem it can help you to decide if it is a career change you need, […]


Tags: Career Change

Career Change After 50 – How to Market Your Experience

February 17th, 2011 · 1 Comment

Posted by Brian McCullough If you lost your job after age 50, or you see a bleak future in your current job or industry now may be the time to consider planning a career change. After you’ve researched a possible new careers after 50, and you find you had little or no experience in the […]


Tags: Career Change

Relocation Packages In A Job Negotiation

February 1st, 2011 · No Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough Each month thousands of employees move to a new community to start a new job. Moves often are more expensive than anticipated. Not only is there the actual expense of moving but, for a homeowner, there are expenses connected with selling the current home and buying another home. Some corporations may […]


Tags: Benefits · Business Travel · Career Change

Changing Career: How To Identify Your Transferrable Skills

February 1st, 2011 · 2 Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough Many people who want to change career — and I meet many of them in my job as a career coach — buy into the myth that it is near on impossible to change sectors in a recession. It is easy to assume that when competition is tough, recruiters are going […]


Tags: Career Change

A Bad Job Market Means Position Yourself For The Future (Repost)

July 9th, 2008 · 1 Comment

Posted by Brian McCullough Here’s a different philosophical take. From the make lemons from lemonade department… A bad job market might mean you’re not going to get your dream job for a while. But maybe you should take this time as an opportunity to figure out where you want to see yourself when the bad […]


Tags: Career Change · Getting Ahead · Jobs

A Bad Job Market Means Position Yourself For The Future

March 24th, 2008 · 1 Comment

Posted by Brian McCullough Here’s a different philosophical take. From the make lemons from lemonade department… A bad job market might mean you’re not going to get your dream job for a while. But maybe you should take this time as an opportunity to figure out where you want to see yourself when the bad […]


Tags: Career Change · Getting Ahead · Jobs

Career Change- Should You Join A Start-up Company?

January 28th, 2008 · 2 Comments

Posted by Brian McCullough I don’t know if your cable company has this, but I started watching this new program on the Mojo channel this weekend called Start-Up Junkies. It’s exactly what the name says it’s about: people who love working for start-up companies. The show’s sort-of superficial and fascinating all at the same time… […]


Tags: Career Change

Should You Consider A Career Change?

January 12th, 2008 · 1 Comment

Posted by Brian McCullough Earlier this week, we featured a young woman who was considering changing her career path… before she had even gotten started. I, along with several of the commenters, advised her to stick it out a bit longer and fight for her dream. Still, it got me thinking: When is the right […]


Tags: Career Change · Job Search · Job Search January

2008 Crystal Ball- Where The Jobs Ain’t.

December 24th, 2007 · 1 Comment

Posted by Brian McCullough The second Marketwatch article is all about which industries won’t be hiring as much in 2008. Again, the obvious subjects are mentioned up front; i.e.: anyone in any field related to the housing bubble. So the hardest industries to get hired in will be: Real Estate Mortgage Broker/Banking Finance and Banking […]


Tags: Career Change · Getting Ahead · Job Search · Jobs