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A Bad Job Market Means Position Yourself For The Future (Repost)

July 9th, 2008 · 1 Comment

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Here’s a different philosophical take. From the make lemons from lemonade department…

A bad job market might mean you’re not going to get your dream job for a while. But maybe you should take this time as an opportunity to figure out where you want to see yourself when the bad times end.

The storm will pass. Now is the time to position your career for where you want to be 5 or even 10 years from now.

Conserve What You Have

Even if you have a job you’re not happy with, keep your hands on what you’ve got. It’s something. It’s better to be dreaming of better days while employed, as opposed to the alternative.

Keep the sh*t job for now, and begin positioning yourself for the dream job. Instead of sitting around dreaming…

Get Educated/Get Prepared

If you have to hunker down for a few years and ride out the storm, use this time productively. Pursue some further education or training.

Look around and see what skills are proving valuable in the down times. Gain these skills for yourself.

While you’re looking around, notice which jobs and industries are surviving the bad times and/or positioning themselves to thrive when the bad times are over. Consider a career or job change to position yourself along with them.

Make Moves Now Toward The Promised Land

Got a specific job or even company in mind? Instead of bumming out, counting the years you’ll have to wait until you get there, start moving there now.

Start networking and ingratiating/introducing yourself to those who work at your promised land.

Maybe consider getting a menial job at your promised land. If you have a dream company, even getting in at the mail room now will position you to advance quickly when the storm clouds pass.

Related posts:

  1. A Bad Job Market Means Position Yourself For The Future
  2. How To Find A Job In A Tight Job Market
  3. The Cubicle of the Future?
  4. How To Save Your Job- How To Know When Layoffs Are Coming
  5. In Career Planning, Follow Your Heart, Not The Ebb And Flow Of The Economy Or Job Market
  6. How The Housing Crisis Affects The Job Market

Tags: Career Change · Getting Ahead · Jobs

  • Scott

    That is what I did! I graduated with my MBA a year and a half ago and am STILL looking – problem is that the economy is only getting worse! I know of one person who is now working on her 4th Masters Degree becuase the current employment environment is that poor. I am thinking of going back myself and get my second Masters Degree.