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How to Change Jobs

December 11th, 2011 · 2 Comments

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Step 1 – Detach Yourself from your Current Job

To move on and change jobs you need to detach yourself from your existing job. The more emotionally attached you are to your role, your environment and its traits the more difficult it is to move forward. This emotional baggage is like heavy weights on your shoulder which can paralyse you from making a decision.

The decision is either to remain in the job or to change jobs, a decision in between means you will continue to remain attached to the current job.

Before making the big decision to change jobs, it is recommended that you list the compelling reasons WHY you should change jobs (find the positive reasons) and why you should stay. If the reasons for the change outweighs the reasons against the change this should work as a tipping point to change jobs. HOW to change jobs will then miraculously follow.

Is it a combination of boredom, lack of challenge, working environment, stress, remuneration, misaligned values, other? Take some time to assess your current situation.

Step 2 – The Destination as a Motivation

If you have made up your mind to change jobs, you will now need to know or have an idea of where you want to go that is, a destination, without a destination there is no clear action.

Do some research on where and what your next job could be. If you can find and narrow in on a job or industry that interest, challenges and excites you, this will motivate you further to make that change into your desired career.

Step 3 – Standout Resume and Cover Letter (First Impressions)

Given that a recruiter is likely to receive multiple resumes, your resume must stand out from the competition.

From a recruiter and employer’s perspective, the first thing that they see is your resume and cover letter therefore, you must polish off your writing skills and create a standout resume and cover letter.

A standout resume simply addresses what the employer is looking for. If the employer is looking for a checklist of 10 requirements then ensure that those key points are notably and clearly addressed n your resume.

Consider also the following:

Customise your resume for each new role. There should not be a one resume fits all approach. Make some changes to mirror what the employer is looking for even if it may be just some minor adjustments.

Use bullet points to address their requirements and your experiences.

Be concise and get straight to the point.

If you have a long working history, leave out any previous roles that are totally unrelated to the role that you will be applying for (from the employment history section of your resume). For example, if you’re applying for a Finance Analyst role, there is no reason to list your previous positions as a Teacher or a Personal Trainer. The exception would be if you are new to the industry then it helps to display your working history.

Other points to consider are preparations for the Interview and etiquette.

Step 4 – Three Key Personality Traits (Apart from Experience)

Apart from experience, employers will more likely be interested in you if you are naturally enthusiastic about the position. If you are going to the interview, ensure that you are 100% committed (leave any doubts at home, you can cast any doubts after the interview) and ensure you bring with you three essential qualities that they are seeking for from job candidates:

A) Aptitude – Your ability, readiness and intelligence or quickness in learning.

B) Motivation – Your drive and enthusiasm for the position

C) Optimism – Your confidence, ‘can do’ and positive attitude

For any given position it is likely that you will be up against competition for the role, so if you possess the above qualities more so than your competitor then you are in the lead.

Step 5 – Cast a Net

To accomplish your ideal job there is the fast way and the slower way. Using fishing as an analogy, to catch fish the fast way would be to cast a wide net into the ocean versus the slower way which involves using a single rod to cast a hook one at a time.

In relation to job hunting this mean to contact multiple recruiter’s and organisations that you have an interest in simultaneously and as many as you can. It is likely that you will be rejected several times depending on how far you are trying to reach however, your acceptances are likely to be the great catch. So expect rejections, the harder something is to catch the more satisfying it is once caught, the easier it is to catch the lower the satisfaction.

Step 6 – Timing

Timing is quite important based on the laws of supply and demand. Generally if you are looking to change jobs during tough economic conditions there will be fewer supply (jobs) with more demand (job seekers). In this case, as a job seeker you are more likely to be disadvantaged as your bargaining power is lower. For this reason, it is prudent to be aware of current economic conditions before making that move, weigh up the options in whether it is the right time to move for you.

This is a guest post. About the author:

Gordon Chen is a Motivational Speaker, Career Consultant and Business Analyst

He blogs at:


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Tags: Career Change

  • Career Guidance Package

    Nice post. Thanks for this superb sharing. These are really effective in changing job & stay enthusiastic & motivated for the new job.

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