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How To Make Sure Your Job Search Emails Get Read

January 17th, 2011 · Leave A Comment

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How To Get Your Job Search Emails ReadA great article this weekend about how to make sure your email gets read.

We’re inundated with email these days. A lot of it spam. How can you make sure your email gets read?

This is especially important for job seekers. Especially if you’re sending in a job application, what can you do to make it more likely the hiring manager will open an read you email?

I’ll summarize the advice list after the jump, but I encourage you to read the entire article for detailed tips.

  1. Keep it short.
  2. Make the subject line a summary.
  3. Start and end with “you.”
  4. Only one topic per message.
  5. Use an appropriate tone.
  6. Don’t send extra copies.
  7. Respect spelling and grammar.
  8. Remember it’s not private.
  9. Email isn’t for arguments.
  10. Mind those threads.

I can think of instances where each of these points have direct application for job seekers.

Read the whole thing here.

Related posts:

  1. Retro Job Search Hack- Remember The Fax?
  2. My Twitter Job Search Experiment
  3. Cell Phone Zen For Job Search Success
  4. TimeWaster- Read the Wall Street Journal For Free
  5. SimulScribe- Read Your Voicemails
  6. Ask Brian: Confidential Job Search?

Tags: Computers Work 4 U · Email/Spam Hacks · Job Search · Organization