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Breaking the Friday Logjam

November 9th, 2007 · Leave A Comment

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It’s finally Friday!

But you can’t celebrate or relax. You’re not watching the clock in anticipation of quitting time. In fact, the clock is your enemy today. It’s the end of the week and you look at your desk and see that pile of papers you still need to get through. You think of those projects that need to be done TODAY, or else you’re going to have to come in to do some extra work of the the weekend.

If this sounds like your current predicament, we have some helpful advice for getting through the logjam so you can have a clear mind over the weekend and a clear desk on Monday.

The title of this post from the webblog BetterLifeForum is called 20 Procrastination Hacks.

It says procrastination, but I think these 20 tips work just as well for buckling down and helping you break through your logjam. As the post says:

Please note that I do not suggest that you do all of these — that’s an overwhelming task that would certainly be pushed back endlessly. Instead, choose one and try it. It will probably work for a little while. Then, when it stops working, choose another, and give that a go.

20 Procrastination Hacks

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Tags: Productivity · Working Hard