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February 6th, 2008 · Leave A Comment

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Depressed Lunch BreakSorry. I had to shout to make sure you were awake.

I saw this and thought it would be a nice companion post to the non-caffeinated post I put up Monday morning.

So, if you’re having a hard time keeping your eyelids open this hump day AM, I’ve got some great tips for you from Dumb Little Man.

Go Home “Sick.” This is total retreat. Head into your boss’s office and tell him or her that you are not feeling well and need to leave. Save this for only the most extreme situations. If you came into work there was probably something that needed to get done. If you just can’t make it to 5 o’clock, then this can be a sweet relief. When you get home, get into bed and ditch the guilt. Go to sleep and start over again tomorrow. And then make a plan to have a better day tomorrow.

Eat Frequent Snacks. Healthy is best. Protein is good for energy that won’t make you sleepy. Avoid sugar because it will give you a little boost, but then when the sugar crash comes it will be harder to take given your sleepiness. Try not to eat too much or too little. If you’re really hurting and can’t do healthy, perhaps a steady stream of chocolate might do the trick. :)

Actually, tip number 13 directly contradicts my Monday post. It encourages caffeine. Oh well. Whatever works when you need it, right?

How to Stay Awake at Work or School (Dumb Little Man)

Related posts:

  1. Staying Awake This Morning Without Caffeine

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