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Should I Include My Address On My Resume If I’m Submitting Online

November 13th, 2010 · 5 Comments

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addressI got this question from a client this morning, and at first I thought the answer was obvious, but then when I thought about it some more, I can see how people might be confused. In this day and age, and all… So, I figured I’d take a crack at answering it here.

Should I Include My Address On My Resume If I’m Submitting Online

I understand. An online submission is just a number. Your email address is probably how they’re going to get back to you. If you’re logged into a site like a Monster or something, they already have your contact info connected to your submission.

However, I’d still say it’s important to include your physical, home street address on your resume in all instances.

Why? Well, for the simple fact that if it’s not there, it could look odd. I know if a resume crossed my desk without a home address on it, my first though would be: why? Is there a reason this person doesn’t want me to know their home address?

For the simple fact that it looks funny if it’s not there, I would always include your home address on all versions of your resume. Sure, they’re most likely going to get back to you over the phone or email. Sure, it’s highly unlikely they’ll contact you via a formal letter in an envelope.

But why not have it on there? You don’t lose anything by including it. And excluding it just leads to questions.

Now, I can hear you say, “But Brian, what about identity theft and spam issues?”

Frankly, you’re more likely going to regret putting your email address out into the internet void than your personal address.

All in all, I’d consider the risk of some bad person knowing your home address to be minimal. And it certainly balances the risk of looking odd by not including your home address.

Bottom line: if you’re resume is in a pile with 30 others, you don’t want to give the hiring manager ANY reason to reject you out of hand. So anything that makes you look odd or puts a question in the hiring manager’s mind is something to avoid.

Related posts:

  1. Ask Brian- Taking A Step “Backward” And How To Address This In My Resume
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  3. Busting The One Page Resume Myth
  4. Resume Help
  5. Resume Paper – What Paper Should I Print My Resume On?
  6. Should I Bring A Resume To The Interview?

Tags: resume help · Resumes

  • Karen E. Lund

    You’re right about not giving a potential employer a reason to reject your resume early on. However, I argue that this applies only when you are actually SUBMITTING your resume to a particular employer, not if you’re posting a resume publicly on a job board.

    If you use websites like CareerBuilder, Monster, etc., you have the option to make a resume visible to employers without submitting it directly. If you choose to do this (and I don’t really recommend it), make a copy of your resume with only your e-mail address and (optionally) a cell phone or unlisted landline phone number, but not your address.

    Upload a “good” copy of your resume with your address on it, but make it private and use it only when submitting directly to postings you deem trustworthy.

  • Patricia

    Use a postal address if you have one. As a matter of fact, it is probably a good idea to have one for situations where you don’t want to put your residential address.

  • Suzanna

    with all the scammers, murderers, killers and thugs out there i am not putting my physical address on my resume until a specific company asks for one. if no one else has thought of this then good luck to you…

  • Craig

    I for one personally distribute copies of all my
    resumes with just my name, cell phone number and e-mail address. In fact, whenever
    I have to submit my resume online to that “unknown” employer, I find
    that it is most useful to not list the names of any of my employers (past or
    present) for if the advertisement is a scam, which is a VERY GOOD possibility
    these days since there are quite a number of advertisers saying that they’re
    from “that big company” when in fact they are not, they will do anything
    and everything to milk your former employee(s) about you while at the same time
    claim to be the CEO of “that big company”. Bottom line: It’s the
    content of your resume that gets you the job and not something trivial like the
    omission of your physical address. Besides, the person who wrote this article
    already has a nice cushiony job so why not say something stupid and put it in

  • Alyssa

    What if I’m moving out of state and applying to jobs in the new state? Do I put my new address on there or my old one? or both?