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Crack Dealers Employed, So Don’t Expect Workers Comp.

February 4th, 2008 · Leave A Comment

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This might be on Fark, but I didn’t get it there. (h/t Cheezhead)

Apparently, the Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that crack dealers are, in fact, employed in the eyes of the law. Thus, if you deal crack after your accident, you are technically employed, and the state can cut off your disability payments.

Court records show that Lynch suffered an industrial accident injury in 1967. In 1997 he was indicted for possession, sale and distribution of crack that was earning him $300 to $500 per week, the court records state.

After pleading guilty, Lynch was incarcerated and Ohio’s Bureau of Workers’ Compensation moved to terminate his permanent total disability compensation. The case eventually reached the state Supreme Court, where Lynch argued, among other points, that his activities cannot be considered sustained employment because they are illegal.

The Ohio Supreme Court disagreed and found that Lynch “cannot use the illegality of his pursuits as a shield,” and he “exchanged labor for pay on a sustained basis.”

Entire article here.

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